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Topic: Burst / burstcoin

June 9, 2017, 5:15 am
Hello everyone,

We are still working on the BURST implementation. We will need at least one week again. We are sorry for the delay but we have something important to fix first.

2017-06-09 07:55:08
you know when announcement was made bought like 1k burst now after spending little little i am left with only 100 burst coins now lol now need to buy more will be waiting for burst implementaion

Bitsler Image
2017-06-09 12:04:28
you know when announcement was made bought like 1k burst now after spending little little i am left with only 100 burst coins now lol now need to buy more will be waiting for burst implementaion

Bitsler Image
Hello Vivek_01,

We are sorry for the delay You will be able to play with BURST on bitsler soon

Sliper8888 ☆☆☆☆☆
2017-06-10 11:17:17
We are looking forward to adding a coin, but for now listen to the music of and learn new methods of mining this crypto currency. But for those who are not already familiar with this currency and are also in the process of waiting for this coin to be added to the casino, I will tell you a little about what can be done Busy and do not waste time in vain.
Burstcoin mining – How to mint your own digital money and secure the network!
The BURST mining system is unlike any other coin in existence. It is based on using your existing free space on your hard drive, to mine coins. Because of this, it is naturally more decentralized, and very low on power usage. The difference between mining and simply running your computer not mining is so negligible, you will not notice a difference on your power bill. Due to the nature of the mining, and the fact that it is mineable most efficiently and cost effectively mined on consumer grade storage hardware, the coin lends itself to being much more decentralized by design. Everyone has free hard drive space, and purchase of another drive specific for BURST mining, is a very small cost. Since the mining process itself doesn’t take much power (as hard disks only average <5W power, just like charging a mobile phone) it makes sense to mine just because you can.
This opens the door to the general public in a way that had never been possible before with other more ‘traditional’ style mined crypto-currencies. The mining process is very easy on hardware, and to date not a single piece of hardware has been reported to have issues due to the BURST mining process running on it. This means that you won’t have to worry about burning up your CPU or GPU like you would if you were mining the other types of algorithms.
So do not waste time, there is free space on the hard drive? Download and install the miner and join the extraction of this crypto currency. As for the miners, the miners playing in the casino are looking forward to this coin and thank the administration for providing the opportunity to try to increase their capital and To try your luck!