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Topic: ★| ★temporary★ guide |★ security access by email - how to change e-mail address

November 7, 2017, 11:32 pm
BitSler has recently added another layer of security for your protection!

E-mail confirmations!

This is in effort to reduce the amount of people having their account accessed by a third party and having your balance stolen.

Some people are putting in an incorrect e-mail or want to use a different e-mail and are unsure on how to change it.

Currently there is no implementation for changing the e-mail -- the staff has to do it manually.

Please be certain you put in the correct e-mail address to avoid this situation. No fake e-mails.

For the time being, please contact support at the top of the main Bitsler page (not the forums ) if this has happened to you.

In the support ticket write the reason for your request, along with the e-mail you provided as well as the e-mail you wish to change to.
Make sure you provide your IP address as well.
If you are unsure of your IP you can find it by clicking the following link:
[Click Here to find IP address.]

To e-mail support simply click here on the main website (top left):
Bitsler Image
Remember to fill out all the details!
- last edited: November 7, 2017, 11:36 pm