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Topic: Doge tip increased

February 3, 2018, 2:57 pm
im so surprise even know doge tip minimum 500 doge.
regardless all on my opinion bitsler the biggest dice games with great community. seriously yes it is.
in there user carried indeed. sharing and carrying... share a bit coin to others. (beside rain button)
but now? what happened? only with doge we can share our coin to our friend. (with small amont instead)
i wish admin can review that. not worries with faucet farmer. faucet still btc and needed high amount to exchange.
im only think about community. how with another opinion?
2018-02-03 15:07:13
im so surprise even know doge tip minimum 500 doge.
regardless all on my opinion bitsler the biggest dice games with great community. seriously yes it is.
in there user carried indeed. sharing and carrying... share a bit coin to others. (beside rain button)
but now? what happened? only with doge we can share our coin to our friend. (with small amont instead)
i wish admin can review that. not worries with faucet farmer. faucet still btc and needed high amount to exchange.
im only think about community. how with another opinion?
im very agree to you mbah wiro sableng.. decrease min tip dogecoin to 25 or less
2018-02-03 15:09:53
kami dari partai oposisi meminta agar minimum tip doge di turunkan. ini peringatan pertama dan bukan berarti ada peringatan ke dua. kami tunggu seminggu kedepan. jika harga tip doge belum diturunkan kami akan menurunkan massa PO 1000x LE 10 BB 100.

2018-02-03 15:10:36
hhhaa,, i degree mbhh Wiro,,

Why this is happened?

Please, lower tips for doge,, because we are can't share for my friend,, if not downgraded then this will be a problem in this game, believe me,,

thanks for TS and admin bitsler.