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May 21, 2021, 12:19 pm
Due to the removal of Vogal Plus, reading this article is useless ...

But why is this important in site design?

Businesses and website owners, bloggers use content and should achieve the following results on social media:

Increase the number of views of articles and thus increase site traffic
Increase the authority of a website or a blog
Content marketing and the new and important relationship between content and SEO

Now, Google+ articles can help you achieve these goals. In fact, Google+ has more capabilities than other social networks. Formatting Google articles is like having a cup of coffee in the morning, which gives you energy and refreshes you. This will also make you more interested in your articles.

But how to create Google+ articles?
There are several elements to writing a perfect Google+ article:

Use an asterisk (*) around your first sentence to bold. This will be considered as an article. You can also use this method in your blog article. I usually take a specific point out of my article or others and distinguish it in the discussion.
Introduce your article
Give people some information after the title. This information should show them what the article is about, or what kind of discussion started. You have different ways to do this. These methods depend on your article. Sometimes I summarize the article. But sometimes I talk about something completely different but related. Either way, be sure to give your Google+ fans and circle a reason to get more involved and read your article.
Ask questions
Be sure to ask questions that start the discussion, both in the comments section and at the end of the article. Google+ users like to talk to you and other people. Use this issue.
Use a photo
Each of your blog posts includes a photo, right? Surely everyone is aware of the benefits of using a photo. Why not include photos on social media? In the case of Google+, you can share the link or put the image in the preview section. Or share the photo and put the link in the comments section. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, a larger photo can increase the visibility of the photo, but it can mean less middle clicks, because the photo is not linked to your blog. If you took the time to find or design better photos, I suggest you share them in full.
Describe influential people
If possible, make sure that the names of key influential people are mentioned in the article. When sharing an article, you can state the names of reputable people. This will add to this article. This means thanking him in public. You can also leave a message for him or use other social signals. For other reasons, do not mention the names of others in your article. Their names should be used to thank, refer or appreciate.
Use 2 to 3 hashtags (#tags)
Always tag your articles. 2 to 3 #, helps you show your articles in discussions and related articles.
Publish the article in your blog info cycle
What? What is this? Well, Google+ lets you publish articles in other people's cycles as well. You can also send a notification to people when the article is published. Of course, this is not something you can do in every cycle. You need to create a blog notification cycle. In it you ask people if they want to know about new articles and only you can add them to the cycle if you accept. If you take the time to nurture these cycles, each new blog post and subsequent Google+ post will be pinned to hundreds of people, and this social signal will be great.
Reply to comments
When you publish an article, make sure you respond to other people's comments and interact with others. Appreciate people, ask questions and show that you are an expert. Each comment can increase your activity and interaction in the article. So you can collect more +1s. If you want your posts to be in the What’s Hot section, never skip this step.
Tip: Use a Pinterest link. Both platforms have photo sharing capabilities and can work well together. This allows Google+ users to view your photos as well as related articles on Pinterest.
I suggest you publish a Google+ article only on your blog. Then edit it and pin it. One of the benefits of this is that when someone +1 your article, they +1 the blog. These + s also apply to articles_ or web pages and other published links). Of course, when there is more than one link in the article, these +1s will not be applied to Google and the value of your article will decrease. Of course, if you edit the article and then put more links, Google will know that the original link was from Google+ and your points will be applied.
How do formatted posts increase engagement?
Well now we know how to produce Google articles in great format. So let's look at the benefits. First, these articles stand out in the stream. Anyone can share a link. An article that has good and big photos and its title attracts people's attention.
I combine articles and share different types of posts. Sometimes a post is just a photo, but sometimes it's just a link. But when I share a post that should engage a lot of people, I use my own blog posts and my post has the format that was stated.
Second, the comment and introduction section makes people think and talk about my article and share it. If you ask a tough question, I can not answer it! Google experts pay attention to this issue and create interesting articles in which excellent questions are sent.
This is the way I want to do it. When you publish your blog post and want to share it on Google+, think twice and take the time to ask questions. I mentioned earlier that sometimes it takes more time to build the title of your blog article than it does to write it. Because the title is no less important than the article itself. The Google+ sharing title and your comment section are as important as the rest of the article. With that in mind, the title should be complete enough to encourage people to read the next sentence, and then your next sentence should be complete enough for people to read the next sentence and get to the end of the article. Your posts on Google+ should be the same.
Third, do it when you have the ability to name influential people. You will receive two benefits:

Their fame attracts the attention of readers.
You will probably be in contact with these people +1.
If you carefully build a strong relationship with these people and interact with them, you can also use their ability by asking smart questions and sharing their articles.
Fourth, when you use a #tag, your link will also appear in related discussions. This is a very important issue. This will allow you to write deeper articles and attract more people. This will allow you to meet new people who have never talked about you or seen you.

Add # to your articles to link to other people's articles and discussions. If you have never shot one you owe it to yourself to give it a try. This allows you to use # targeted tags for your articles. What good is a web site if it simply "blends in" with everything else out there? (Of course, unless you want to activate a #tag with time and energy.)
Fifth, sharing in cycles, especially the blog verification cycle, is a great way to start talking to followers. This feature is not available on other platforms. People can follow you on Facebook, or Twitter, or LinkedIn, or put you on their listings, but you can easily persuade someone to be in this cycle and then convince them to Get a list of close friends on Facebook. My own blog announcement cycle has about 100 popular readers. When I post a new blog post and share it on Google+, they get pinged and get a lot of attention quickly. +1s increase quickly, comments are posted, and sharing puts me in hot articles. I suggest you use this cycle as well.
And sixth, the simple essence of Google+ is that this platform creates more discussion. This does not mean that there is no conversation on other platforms. But on this platform, the discussion is much easier. Start a discussion with your friends and followers for no reason and see how much attention is paid to your article and the discussion will start.
Part of this is due to the mechanics of Google+. That is, the ability to format articles and comments and the minimal mode that makes people more encouraged. But the culture of the users of this network also has a great impact. Each social network is a smaller community that has its own norms and culture. Understanding and creating specifics in each of them can help you succeed in any of these networks. Google+ certainly has its norms. One of these norms is a lot of discussion instead of simply sharing articles.

Is that all?
Not. Certainly the issue is much more complicated. There are methods and methods that you can attract more attention in your blog articles. This requires constant blogging, providing great information and insights, and building relationships with Google+ users and other social networks, especially followers and influencers.
And I'm the first to admit it 's not easy. Creating content yourself is hard work, let alone great content, the kind of content that people are interested in reading and discussing and sharing. If you have just started blogging and your Google+ account is new, you should try a little and be patient!