Minimum / Maximum amounts for each currency::Contributions thanks to VVolfy and Rain_Bot::What are the minimum and maximum allowed deposit amount for each currency?
There are no limits on deposits.
What is the minimum withdrawal amount for each currency?
(BTC): 0.00200

Ethereum (ETH): 0.03000

Litecoin (LTC): 0.15000

Bitcoin Cash ABC (BCH): 0.01000

Bitcoin Cash SV (BSV): 0.04000

Ripple (XRP): 15.00000

Dogecoin (DOGE): 4,000.00000

Dash (DASH): 0.04000

ZCash (ZEC): 0.07500

Ethereum Classic (ETC): 1.00000

Neo (NEO): 1.00000

Stratis (STRAT): 3.00000

Komodo (KMD): 5.00000

Burstcoin (BURST): 800.00000

Bitcoin Gold (BTG): 0.50000000

Lisk (LSK): 3.50000000

Digibyte (DGB): 500.00000000

Quantum (QTUM): 2.50000000

Waves (WAVES): 8.00000000
What are the minimum withdrawal fees for each currency?
Bitcoin (BTC): 0.00020000

Ethereum (ETH): 0.00100000

Litecoin (LTC): 0.00200000

Bitcoin Cash ABC (BCH): 0.00050000

Bitcoin Cash SV (BSV): 0.00030000

Ripple (XRP): 1.00000000

Dogecoin (DOGE): 3.00000000

Dash (DASH): 0.00030000

ZCash (ZEC): 0.00030000

Ethereum Classic (ETC): 0.00100000

Neo (NEO): 0.00100000

Stratis (STRAT): 0.00100000

Komodo (KMD): 0.00200000

Burstcoin (BURST): 1.00000000

Bitcoin Gold (BTG): 0.00100000

Lisk (LSK): 0.15000000

Digibyte (DGB): 0.00200000

Quantum (QTUM): 0.01000000

Waves (WAVES): 0.00200000
What are the min/max bet amounts on Dice?
Bitcoin (BTC): 0.00000001 / 10

Ethereum (ETH): 0.00000010 / 100

Litecoin (LTC): 0.00000050 / 200

Bitcoin Cash ABC (BCH): 0.00000005 / 15

Bitcoin Cash SV (BSV): 0.00000020 / 25

Ripple (XRP): 0.00015000 / 10,000

Dogecoin (DOGE): 0.05000000 / 2,500,000

Dash (DASH): 0.00000020 / 25

ZCash (ZEC): 0.00000025 / 50

Ethereum Classic (ETC): 0.00000500 / 750

Neo (NEO): 0.00000200 / 125

Stratis (STRAT): 0.00003000 / 1,500

Komodo (KMD): 0.00004000 / 2,500

Burstcoin (BURST): 0.10000000 / 3,000,000

Bitcoin Gold (BTG): 0.00000200 / 125.00000000

Lisk (LSK): 0.00001500 / 750.00000000

Digibyte (DGB): 0.10000000 / 250,000.00000000

Quantum (QTUM): 0.00001000 / 450.00000000

Waves (WAVES): 0.00003000 / 1,750.00000000
What are the min/max bet amounts on roulette?
Bitcoin (BTC): 0.00000100 / 0.0500 (Inside) - 0.00000100 / 0.2000 (Outside)

Ethereum (ETH): 0.00001500 / 0.7500 (Inside) - 0.00001500 / 3.0000 (Outside)

Litecoin (LTC): 0.00005000 / 2.5000 (Inside) - 0.00005000 / 10.0000 (Outside)

Bitcoin Cash ABC (BCH): 0.00001000 / 0.5000 (Inside) - 0.00001000 / 2.0000 (Outside)

Bitcoin Cash SV (BSV): 0.00002000 / 1.0000 (Inside) - 0.00002000 / 4.0000 (Outside)

Ripple (XRP): 0.01000000 / 500.0000 (Inside) - 0.01000000 / 2,000.0000 (Outside)

Dogecoin (DOGE): 2.50000000 / 125,000.0000 (Inside) - 2.50000000 / 500,000.0000 (Outside)

Dash (DASH): 0.00002000 / 1.0000 (Inside) - 0.00002000 / 4.0000 (Outside)

ZCash (ZEC): 0.00003000 / 1.5000 (Inside) - 0.00003000 / 6.0000 (Outside)

Ethereum Classic (ETC): 0.00050000 / 25.0000 (Inside) - 0.00050000 / 100.0000 (Outside)

Neo (NEO): 0.00015000 / 7.5000 (Inside) - 0.00015000 / 30.0000 (Outside)

Stratis (STRAT): 0.00150000 / 75.0000 (Inside) - 0.00150000 / 300.0000 (Outside)

Komodo (KMD): 0.00250000 / 125.0000 (Inside) - 0.00250000 / 500.0000 (Outside)

Burstcoin (BURST): 0.50000000 / 25,000.0000 (Inside) - 0.50000000 / 100,000.0000 (Outside)

Bitcoin Gold (BTG): 0.00050000 / 25.00000000

Lisk (LSK): 0.00300000 / 300.00000000

Digibyte (DGB): 0.40000000 / 25000.00000000

Quantum (QTUM): 0.00200000 / 100.00000000

Waves (WAVES): 0.00500000 / 250.00000000
What are the min/max bet amounts on Multicolor?*

Bitcoin (BTC): 0.00000001 / 2

Ethereum (ETH): 0.00000010 / 30

Litecoin (LTC): 0.00000050 / 150

Bitcoin Cash ABC (BCH): 0.00000005 / 15

Bitcoin Cash SV (BSV): 0.00000020 / 30

Ripple (XRP): 0.00015000 / 10,000

Dogecoin (DOGE): 0.05000000 / 2,500,000

Dash (DASH): 0.00000020 / 30

ZCash (ZEC): 0.00000025 / 50

Ethereum Classic (ETC): 0.00000500 / 750

Neo (NEO): 0.00000200 / 125

Stratis (STRAT): 0.00003000 / 1,500

Komodo (KMD): 0.00005000 / 2,500

Burstcoin (BURST): 1.00000000 / 750,000

Bitcoin Gold (BTG): 0.00000200 /

Lisk (LSK): 0.00001500 /

Digibyte (DGB): 1.00000000 /

Quantum (QTUM): 0.00001000 /

Waves (WAVES): 0.00003000 /
What are the min/max bet amounts on Cara Y Cruz?*

Bitcoin (BTC): 0.00000001 / 10

Ethereum (ETH): 0.00000010 / 100

Litecoin (LTC): 0.00000050 / 200

Bitcoin Cash ABC (BCH): 0.00000005 / 15

Bitcoin Cash SV (BSV): 0.00000020 / 25

Ripple (XRP): 0.00015000 / 10,000

Dogecoin (DOGE): 0.05000000 / 2,500,000

Dash (DASH): 0.00000020 / 25

ZCash (ZEC): 0.00000025 / 50

Ethereum Classic (ETC): 0.00000500 / 750

Neo (NEO): 0.00000200 / 125

Stratis (STRAT): 0.00003000 / 1,500

Komodo (KMD): 0.00004000 / 2,500

Burstcoin (BURST): 1.00000000 / 3,000,000

Bitcoin Gold (BTG): 0.00000200 /

Lisk (LSK): 0.00001500 /

Digibyte (DGB): 1.00000000 /

Quantum (QTUM): 0.00001000 /

Waves (WAVES): 0.00003000 /
Minimum tips for each currency:
Bitcoin (BTC): 0.00050000

Litecoin (LTC): 0.03000000

Dogecoin (DOGE): 750.00000000

Ethereum (ETH): 0.00500000

Dash (DASH): 0.00750000

Bitcoin Cash ABC (BCH): 0.00300000

Bitcoin Cash SV (BSV): 0.00750000

ZCash (ZEC): 0.01000000

Ethereum Classic (ETC): 0.15000000

Neo (NEO) 0.05000000

Stratis (STRAT): 0.75000000

Ripple (XRP): 1.00000000

Komodo (KMD): 0.25000000

Burstcoin (BURST): 125.00000000

Bitcoin Gold (BTG): 0.15000000

Lisk (LSK): 1.00000000

Digibyte (DGB): 150.00000000

Quantum (QTUM): 1.00000000

Waves (WAVES): 2.00000000
Minimum and maximum amount for rain:
Bitcoin (BTC): 0.00010000 / 0.05000000

Ethereum (ETH): 0.00100000 / 0.50000000

Litecoin (LTC): 0.00500000 / 2.50000000

Bitcoin Cash ABC (BCH): 0.00050000 / 0.25000000

Bitcoin Cash SV (BSV): 0.00100000 / 0.50000000

Ripple (XRP): 1.00000000 / 100.00000000

Dogecoin (DOGE): 200.00000000 / 100000.00000000

Dash (DASH): 0.00100000 / 0.50000000

ZCash (ZEC): 0.00200000 / 1.00000000

Ethereum Classic (ETC): 0.04500000 / 22.50000000

Neo (NEO): 0.01200000 / 6.00000000

Stratis (STRAT): 0.13500000 / 65.00000000

Komodo (KMD): 0.15000000 / 80.00000000

Burstcoin (BURST): 50.00000000 / 25000.00000000

Bitcoin Gold (BTG): 0.03000000 / 15.00000000

Lisk (LSK): 0.20000000 / 100.00000000

Digibyte (DGB): 20.00000000 / 10000.00000000

Quantum (QTUM): 0.12000000 / 60.00000000

Waves (WAVES): 0.35000000 / 150.00000000
*Undetermined, information is welcomed!