Minimum / Maximum amounts for each currency
What are the minimum and maximum allowed deposit amount for each currency?
There are no limits on deposits.
What is the minimum withdrawal amount for each currency?

(BTC): 0.00200

Ethereum (ETH): 0.03000

Litecoin (LTC): 0.15000

Bitcoin Cash (BCC/BCH): 0.01000

Ripple (XRP): 15.00000

Dogecoin (DOGE): 4,000.00000

Dash (DASH): 0.04000

ZCash (ZEC): 0.07500

Ethereum Classic (ETC): 1.00000

Neo (NEO): 1.00000

Stratis (STRAT): 3.00000

Komodo (KMD): 5.00000

Burstcoin (BURST): 800.00000

Bitcoin Gold (BTG): 0.50000000

Lisk (LSK): 3.50000000

Digibyte (DGB): 500.00000000

Quantum (QTUM): 2.50000000

Waves (WAVES): 8.00000000
What are the minimum withdrawal fees for each currency?

Bitcoin (BTC): 0.00020000

Ethereum (ETH): 0.00100000

Litecoin (LTC): 0.00200000

Bitcoin Cash (BCC/BCH): 0.00050000

Ripple (XRP): 1.00000000

Dogecoin (DOGE): 3.00000000

Dash (DASH): 0.00030000

ZCash (ZEC): 0.00030000

Ethereum Classic (ETC): 0.00100000

Neo (NEO): 0.00100000

Stratis (STRAT): 0.00100000

Komodo (KMD): 0.00200000

Burstcoin (BURST): 1.00000000

Bitcoin Gold (BTG): 0.00100000

Lisk (LSK): 0.15000000

Digibyte (DGB): 0.00200000

Quantum (QTUM): 0.01000000

Waves (WAVES): 0.00200000
What are the min/max bet amounts on Dice?

Bitcoin (BTC): 0.00000001 / 10

Ethereum (ETH): 0.00000010 / 100

Litecoin (LTC): 0.00000050 / 200

Bitcoin Cash (BCC/BCH): 0.00000005 / 15

Ripple (XRP): 0.00015000 / 10,000

Dogecoin (DOGE): 0.05000000 / 2,500,000

Dash (DASH): 0.00000020 / 25

ZCash (ZEC): 0.00000025 / 50

Ethereum Classic (ETC): 0.00000500 / 750

Neo (NEO): 0.00000200 / 125

Stratis (STRAT): 0.00003000 / 1,500

Komodo (KMD): 0.00004000 / 2,500

Burstcoin (BURST): 0.10000000 / 3,000,000

Bitcoin Gold (BTG): 0.00000200 / 125.00000000

Lisk (LSK): 0.00001500 / 750.00000000

Digibyte (DGB): 0.10000000 / 250,000.00000000

Quantum (QTUM): 0.00001000 / 450.00000000

Waves (WAVES): 0.00003000 / 1,750.00000000
What are the min/max bet amounts on roulette?

Bitcoin (BTC): 0.00000100 / 0.0500 (Inside) - 0.00000100 / 0.2000 (Outside)

Ethereum (ETH): 0.00001500 / 0.7500 (Inside) - 0.00001500 / 3.0000 (Outside)

Litecoin (LTC): 0.00005000 / 2.5000 (Inside) - 0.00005000 / 10.0000 (Outside)

Bitcoin Cash (BCC/BCH): 0.00001000 / 0.5000 (Inside) - 0.00001000 / 2.0000 (Outside)

Ripple (XRP): 0.01000000 / 500.0000 (Inside) - 0.01000000 / 2,000.0000 (Outside)

Dogecoin (DOGE): 2.50000000 / 125,000.0000 (Inside) - 2.50000000 / 500,000.0000 (Outside)

Dash (DASH): 0.00002000 / 1.0000 (Inside) - 0.00002000 / 4.0000 (Outside)

ZCash (ZEC): 0.00003000 / 1.5000 (Inside) - 0.00003000 / 6.0000 (Outside)

Ethereum Classic (ETC): 0.00050000 / 25.0000 (Inside) - 0.00050000 / 100.0000 (Outside)

Neo (NEO): 0.00015000 / 7.5000 (Inside) - 0.00015000 / 30.0000 (Outside)

Stratis (STRAT): 0.00150000 / 75.0000 (Inside) - 0.00150000 / 300.0000 (Outside)

Komodo (KMD): 0.00250000 / 125.0000 (Inside) - 0.00250000 / 500.0000 (Outside)

Burstcoin (BURST): 0.50000000 / 25,000.0000 (Inside) - 0.50000000 / 100,000.0000 (Outside)

Bitcoin Gold (BTG): 0.00050000 / 25.00000000

Lisk (LSK): 0.00300000 / 300.00000000

Digibyte (DGB): 0.40000000 / 25000.00000000

Quantum (QTUM): 0.00200000 / 100.00000000

Waves (WAVES): 0.00500000 / 250.00000000
What are the min/max bet amounts on Multicolor?

Bitcoin (BTC): 0.00000001 / 2

Ethereum (ETH): 0.00000010 / 30

Litecoin (LTC): 0.00000050 / 150

Bitcoin Cash (BCC/BCH): 0.00000005 / 15

Ripple (XRP): 0.00015000 / 10,000

Dogecoin (DOGE): 0.05000000 / 2,500,000

Dash (DASH): 0.00000020 / 30

ZCash (ZEC): 0.00000025 / 50

Ethereum Classic (ETC): 0.00000500 / 750

Neo (NEO): 0.00000200 / 125

Stratis (STRAT): 0.00003000 / 1,500

Komodo (KMD): 0.00005000 / 2,500

Burstcoin (BURST): 1.00000000 / 750,000

Bitcoin Gold (BTG): 0.00000200 /

Lisk (LSK): 0.00001500 /

Digibyte (DGB): 1.00000000 /

Quantum (QTUM): 0.00001000 /

Waves (WAVES): 0.00003000 /
What are the min/max bet amounts on Cara Y Cruz?

Bitcoin (BTC): 0.00000001 / 10

Ethereum (ETH): 0.00000010 / 100

Litecoin (LTC): 0.00000050 / 200

Bitcoin Cash (BCC/BCH): 0.00000005 / 15

Ripple (XRP): 0.00015000 / 10,000

Dogecoin (DOGE): 0.05000000 / 2,500,000

Dash (DASH): 0.00000020 / 25

ZCash (ZEC): 0.00000025 / 50

Ethereum Classic (ETC): 0.00000500 / 750

Neo (NEO): 0.00000200 / 125

Stratis (STRAT): 0.00003000 / 1,500

Komodo (KMD): 0.00004000 / 2,500

Burstcoin (BURST): 1.00000000 / 3,000,000

Bitcoin Gold (BTG): 0.00000200 /

Lisk (LSK): 0.00001500 /

Digibyte (DGB): 1.00000000 /

Quantum (QTUM): 0.00001000 /

Waves (WAVES): 0.00003000 /
Minimum tips for each currency:

Bitcoin (BTC): 0.00050000

Litecoin (LTC): 0.03000000

Dogecoin (DOGE): 750.00000000

Ethereum (ETH): 0.00500000

Dash (DASH): 0.00750000

Bitcoin Cash (BCC/BCH): 0.00300000

ZCash (ZEC): 0.01000000

Ethereum Classic (ETC): 0.15000000

Neo (NEO) 0.05000000

Stratis (STRAT): 0.75000000

Ripple (XRP): 1.00000000

Komodo (KMD): 0.25000000

Burstcoin (BURST): 125.00000000

Bitcoin Gold (BTG): 0.15000000

Lisk (LSK): 1.00000000

Digibyte (DGB): 150.00000000

Quantum (QTUM): 1.00000000

Waves (WAVES): 2.00000000
Minimum and maximum amount for rain:

Bitcoin (BTC): 0.00010000 / 0.05000000

Ethereum (ETH): 0.00100000 / 0.50000000

Litecoin (LTC): 0.00500000 / 2.50000000

Bitcoin Cash (BCC/BCH): 0.00050000 / 0.25000000

Ripple (XRP): 1.00000000 / 100.00000000

Dogecoin (DOGE): 200.00000000 / 100000.00000000

Dash (DASH): 0.00100000 / 0.50000000

ZCash (ZEC): 0.00200000 / 1.00000000

Ethereum Classic (ETC): 0.04500000 / 22.50000000

Neo (NEO): 0.01200000 / 6.00000000

Stratis (STRAT): 0.13500000 / 65.00000000

Komodo (KMD): 0.15000000 / 80.00000000

Burstcoin (BURST): 50.00000000 / 25000.00000000

Bitcoin Gold (BTG): 0.03000000 / 15.00000000

Lisk (LSK): 0.20000000 / 100.00000000

Digibyte (DGB): 20.00000000 / 10000.00000000

Quantum (QTUM): 0.12000000 / 60.00000000

Waves (WAVES): 0.35000000 / 150.00000000