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Topic: What you can buy with bitcoin?

June 9, 2017, 12:59 pm
I refill my mobile phone with bitcoin twice and it was before I realized that my goverment still didn't allowed people to make transaction with bitcoin yet. In my country (Indonesia) we can buy, sell or store bitcoin but we can't use it as a payment method. What about your goverment's policy regarding bitcoin? Can you use it to buy or sell things in your area?

- last edited: June 9, 2017, 1:30 pm
2017-06-09 13:20:48
I refill my mobile phone with bitcoin twice and it was before I realized that my goverment still didn't allowed people to make transaction with bitcoin yet. In my country (Indonesia) we can buy, sell or store bitcoin but we can't use it as a payment method. What about your goverment's policy regarding bitcoin? Can you use it to buy or sell things in your area?
I can buy some foods and chocolates
2017-06-09 13:30:54
I refill my mobile phone with bitcoin twice and it was before I realized that my goverment still didn't allowed people to make transaction with bitcoin yet. In my country (Indonesia) we can buy, sell or store bitcoin but we can't use it as a payment method. What about your goverment's policy regarding bitcoin? Can you use it to buy or sell things in your area?

Well, in my country bitcoin is still not popular, Ik many of people still hold them and can't afford to spend on something in local store.
2017-06-10 17:22:51
[img width=200 height=200]à_30.svg/2000px-Italian_traffic_signs_-_limite_di_velocità_30.svg.png[/img]
2017-06-10 20:40:51
Bitcoins really change a whole my life. Then I've managed to buy a motorcycle,mobile-phone,saxophone, and other.
Xinarae, did you convert your bitcoin to your local currency first before you bought those things or you use bitcoin directly? Btw, you are very lucky, congrats!
2017-06-10 20:52:52
Bitcoin/cryptos in general are not legal in my country yet, but I'm shadily trading cryptos and mining ETH and DASH, plus I got a foreign ETH debit card which is accepted in most ATMs around are and I use it to sustain my basic needs.
2017-06-10 20:59:30
*around here*

Please, please admins, add the edit feature to this forum, as a grammar Nazi this triggers me a LOT.
I made a post about it too. Wish they will add the missing features soon!

Btw thanks for your replies!
I am sorry! I mean I made a thread and not a post.