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Topic: Etc by mistake get busted 3.27 etc but if hit then boom 200+ etc

February 14, 2020, 7:21 pm
Hello Everyone How Are You? Hope All Are Well. I am also Fine.. But Few Min ago By Mis Get 3.17 ETH Busted. But No Problem.. Just I topd you when your Play check 2/3 Times Which Payout Are You Playing... This Is at first Mistske in My Life...

Noted: History I am Playing 2X But I Have Forget To Change Payout. That's Payout Before have 450x Few Rolling. I Don't Get any Green. But i Didnt Seen Payout. I am Just Make Bet Double. 3.17 ETC Busted Then Seen My Bet Was 450x.... Good Luck For Everyone Try and GL hope I can Recovery My Loss By Mistake,

Look Here Is The BET ID:

1st BET ID:

3nd BET ID:

Like This 3,4,5,6,7,8,9, & 10,

10th BET ID

Ok it's My Mistake but if hit 1 Then Booom 200+ ETC i Will get Righ.

Best Reader,
Saidul Islam Babu
Thanks You So Muc.