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Topic: Dicebot - the most awesomest dice betting bot

June 11, 2017, 4:23 pm
Seuntjies DiceBot - the ultimate betting bot for dice sites, Supports multiple sites and strategies, as well as your own!

WARNING! There are some websites impersonating dicebots site and providing download links to malicious programs. only ever download from Any other site providing a download for Seuntjies DiceBot is a scam/virus

DiceBot now has a twitter account that i'll be using to to keep users in the loop with regarding updates, known bugs,  upcoming features and sites etc. follow it here:

Sites Supported:  
moneypot (
Satoshi Dice
Satoshi Dice

Built in strategies:
Martingale, Labouchere, Fibonacci, d'Alembert and preset list. All of them can be customized as you see fit.

A programmer mode where you can script your own strategy using a LUA script.

Automatically draws a profit chart for your bets (can disable it if you want), which can be exported to a .png image as well as automatically be uploaded to imgur for easier sharing

Automatically logs all bets made by the bot in a local sqlite DB for easy querying, so you can easily go look for that cool win you got, as well as verify your rolls to make sure the site isn't cheating you.

Source available at:

See Beginners guide!

Feature summary:
No browser needed
Very flexible martingale
preset list
Zig Zag(High/Low Switching)
Auto invest/withdraw
Simulate Strategy
Verify rolls
A lot of stats including:profit, wins, losses, streak info, profit predictions, max bets before bankruptcy
Email notifications for certain events (user can enable/disable)
sound notifications for certain events (user can enable/disable)
Option to save username and password locally (no sneaky stuff done with usernames and passwords, check the code if you don't believe me)
automatically saves current bet settings on exit
import/export settings
Generates table with possible profits/losses for up to 30 losses in a row
minimize to tray
Emergency escape key
Bet history table that auto verifies rolls when possible, can also be searched for certain rolls
A programmer mode to code your own strategy using a lua script
Live and historic profit charts, as well as custom range charts
many stop and reset conditions

It can automatically withdraw to an address that you give it, when a certain limit is reached, or it can automatically invest your profits as well. You can specify the amount that gets withdrawn or invested, as well as the limit where it should withdraw or invest.

The bot shows a lot of statistics and information, like your current balance, profit, bets, wins, losses, streaks, heck it evens predicts your profits per hour and per day and calculates how many losses you can have in a row before going bankrupt.

It can simulate your strategy with up to 100 000 bets, (this can take a few minutes) and calculate your profit. You can export the bets to a csv file (excel or equivalent program will be able to open it) to review them. The simulations uses its own implementation of the sites own provably fair number generating algorithms.

You can verify the rolls on the site, by pasting your server seed, client seed and nonce. It also gets exported to a csv file for easy viewing. You can also use the bet history databse to read in the seed, then the bot will automatically verify rolls when you open the bet history window

Email and sound notifications, that can be enabled/disabled for certain events (withdraw, bankrupt, big streaks), also has popup notifications for these events, and a popup stats summery when you click on the tray icon.

in case of an emergency (like a big streak you want to stop) you can press ctrl + shift + s to immediately stop all betting

Bitsler Image

Download Link:

I am open to any suggestions or requests, and if they are within my skill range, i will do my best to add them to the bot. The whole project is open source, if you would like to branch the bot and do your own thing, feel free. code can be found at:

Any user input about bugs/problems or anything else constructive is welcome, as well as donations

Don't Forget! I have a moneypot application specifically for use with the bot.

Just log in to the app, that can be found at, copy the API token at the top of the page and use that to log in with dicebot. Now you're ready to roll with fast bets and 0.9% house edge!

Ever wanted to donate but didn't have the cash on hand? Playing on my app in moneypot is the second best way of supporting the bot.

Btc: 1EHPYeVGkquij8eMRQqwyb5bjpooyyfgn5
Ltc: LQvMRbyuuSVsvXA3mQQM3zXT53hb34CEzy

Disclaimer: This is still gambling. The bot is not guaranteed to win. Please do not gamble more than you can afford to lose. The bot has a lot of settings, and I cannot test each and every combination. The bot might behave unpredictable and unreliably with certain combinations of settings. Certain actions from the server might also result in unexpected behavior. I cannot be held responsible for any losses incurred while using the bot.
2017-06-11 19:04:55
There is some problems with login to Bitsler account by this bot
2017-06-11 20:35:19
There is some problems with login to Bitsler account by this bot
No there's not. You need to have 2fa enabled at bitsler to log in with the bot.
2017-06-13 17:42:10
Hi! Yeah! that`s true, thr Dice Bot is great tool, but ....... sometimes, no matter where You play, Bitlser, 999, SafeDice, Prime Dice etc. There is one strange thing. When You play and You see lot of "green color" Your ballance and profit growing up, then ........ bam bam bam bam .... 6 times "red color" and You got Nothing!!! What tha F..... is going on with this!? .... We always read about probably fair games. But I don`t belive ...... Could someone tell me what is that ??
2017-06-13 18:08:47
One more thing ...... How long I will wait for withdraw from auto-withdraw mode ?
2017-06-13 19:20:22
Hi! Yeah! that`s true, thr Dice Bot is great tool, but ....... sometimes, no matter where You play, Bitlser, 999, SafeDice, Prime Dice etc. There is one strange thing. When You play and You see lot of "green color" Your ballance and profit growing up, then ........ bam bam bam bam .... 6 times "red color" and You got Nothing!!! What tha F..... is going on with this!? .... We always read about probably fair games. But I don`t belive ...... Could someone tell me what is that ??
It's proVably fair, not probably fair. Probably fair means it's likely to be fair, provably fair means you can prove the site tampered with your rolls if they did, or the site can prove they didn't if you think they did.

It's random. Funny things happen with random numbers. If you take a dice in real life and throw it 10 000 times, you will likely get a bunch of 6s in a row more than once, as well as a bunch of 1s in a row more than once. The same thing happens when you gamble, you get a bunch of numbers below 50 in a row and a bunch of numbers above 50 in row when you make thousands and thousands of bets. Here's the thing: You notice the lots of losing bets in a row because it makes you bust, but you don't notice the lots of winning bets in a row because it doesn't make you stop betting. You just roll past it without ever noticing it, but it happens. Try playing on reverse martingale and see how many winning streaks you actually get!

As for provably fair: It's a very technical procedure, so I'm going to try to explain it using metaphors.

You and bitsler sit across the table from each other, and a third person sits next to the table. This third person is the random number generator. You both know the person and how he/she calculates the numbers.

The site writes a number on a piece of paper and put it in the middle of the table face down (server seed). You write a number on a piece of paper and put it in the middle of the table (Clientseed). The third person looks at both numbers and puts it in the middle of the table (server seed hash). Now no-one is allowed to touch the papers and you're not allowed to know what bitsler wrote down.

Now you say ok, I bet the next number is going to be below 50. the third person takes your number and the sites number and number of bets you've placed since sitting down (1 in this case as it's your first bet), do some predetermined calculations and give you back a number. You say the next bet is going to be above 50, the third person takes the same numbers from you and site and number of bets you've placed since sitting down (2 in this case), do some predetermined calculations and give you back a number. You do this 100 times and get 100 results.

The site was never allowed to change the number on their piece of paper, so they couldn't change the outcome. You saw the piece of paper laying in the middle of the table the whole time and know they didn't change it. So you say enough, I think you're cheating. You flip the pieces of paper in the middle of the table and see what the sites number was. Then you re-do the calculations the third person did and check if the numbers he gave you is the same as the numbers you get. If they are the same, then the site did not cheat. If the numbers are different, the site cheated.

The auto withdraw function has immediate effect. The withdrawal is submitted to the site the moment the criteria is met and the withdrawal is processed by the site. Not all sites allow the bot to withdraw though. Bitsler does not allow the bot to withdraw or tip.
2017-06-13 21:14:33
You said ...
The auto withdraw function has immediate effect. The withdrawal is submitted to the site the moment the criteria is met and the withdrawal is processed by the site. Not all sites allow the bot to withdraw though. Bitsler does not allow the bot to withdraw or tip.

What kind of criteria ? ....
2017-06-14 10:07:14

Tutorial Seuntjie Bot ... (

Good luck all
2017-06-14 14:46:21
Hi All!

Today I got another problem with this bot. Yesterday everything was ok, but today I have error on console windows. When I type "start()" then I got something like this.

Resetting Seed!
Betting Stopped!
[string "chunk"]:23: attempt to call global 'rstseed' (a nil value)

Any ideas?

- last edited: June 14, 2017, 2:46 pm
2017-06-14 15:07:58
Hi All!

Today I got another problem with this bot. Yesterday everything was ok, but today I have error on console windows. When I type "start()" then I got something like this.

Resetting Seed!
Betting Stopped!
[string "chunk"]:23: attempt to call global 'rstseed' (a nil value)

Any ideas?

check your script, the correct function to reset a seed is "resetseed()", it seems that it is mistyped.
2017-06-15 15:28:09
You said ...
The auto withdraw function has immediate effect. The withdrawal is submitted to the site the moment the criteria is met and the withdrawal is processed by the site. Not all sites allow the bot to withdraw though. Bitsler does not allow the bot to withdraw or tip.

What kind of criteria ? ....
Whatever criteria you set for it in the advanced mode or programmer mode.